
Extraction is a modular installation comprised of upwards of fifty cast concrete dodecahedrons, composed into a pile at the front and left of the coke bin. Several others are scattered about the space. Small cast iron pentagons are situated within steel cubic forms are visible to the right. Two wooden structures occupy the front and back of the space, implying the shape of a partial geodesic dome, confine the installation.
The dodecahedron is one of the five platonic solids Plato associated with the four classical elements. The cube representing earth, air as the octahedron, water as icosahedron, and fire associated with the tetrahedron. The remaining shape, the dodecahedron, represented the constellations in the heavens and later postulated to symbolize the ether of space.
As a rejuvenated interest into space exploration begins, one wonders what minerals will be found out in the vastness of space. What is in the ether? Will there be iron, or even coal? Or another element that will revolutionize industry? As we begin to drill and dig, perhaps we will find the answers.
Extraction is meant to draw attention to what could be exhumed in the vastness around us, and how it can potentially change our built world.